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Wednesday 30 November 2022

શરીર માં વાયુના રોગને હાંકી કાઢતું આયુર્વેદનું દમદાર ઔષધ, 100% ગેરેન્ટી જીવનભર ગેસ,એસિડિટી અને બીપી ગાયબ.

હિંગ બે જાતોમાં આવે છે.

સુગંધિત અને દુર્ગંધિત.
સુગંધિત હિંગ સફેદ અંજુદાન ગમ છે અને દુર્ગંધવાળી હિંગ કાળી અંજુદાન ગમ છે.
બંને જાતિઓમાં વસવાટની વિશાળ શ્રેણી છે.
ગંધયુક્ત હિંગ, જેમાં સ્પષ્ટ, પારદર્શક, વાદળી ગંધ હોય છે, જ્યારે પાણીમાં બોળવામાં આવે ત્યારે તે દૂધ જેવી બની જાય છે.

હલકી ગુણવત્તાવાળી હિંગ લીલા રંગની અને દુર્ગંધવાળી હોય છે.
હીંગ અફઘાનિસ્તાન, પંજાબ વગેરેમાં ઉગે છે. મેં હીંગનું ઝાડ કાપીને ત્યાંથી ગમના રૂપમાં રસ કાઢું છું.
એ હિંગ જ સાચી હિંગ છે.
આ હિંગ ખૂબ જ સુગંધિત હોય છે.
તેને સરસવના દાણાની જેમ મોઢામાં રાખવાથી ખૂબ જ બળતરા અને સોજો આવે છે.

આ હીંગનો ઉપયોગ દવામાં થાય છે.
મસાલામાં પણ હીંગનો ખૂબ ઉપયોગ કરીએ છીએ.
હવે આપણે હિંગના ઉપયોગ અને તેના ફાયદા વિશે વિગતવાર જાણીશું.
હીંગ ગરમી, પેટ ફૂલવું, કૃમિ, પેટ અને આંતરડાને ઉત્તેજિત કરે છે.
તે એક સારું પાચન છે.
ગર્ભાશયને ઉત્તેજિત કરે છે અને ચેતા પર ખૂબ અસર કરે છે.
તે કફને પાતળો કરે છે.

હીંગનો ઉપયોગ પેટના કીડા મટાડવા માટે થાય છે, તે સારી પાચન અને જઠરાંત્રિય દવામાં વપરાય છે.
કાજનો ઉપયોગ કોલેરાની દવામાં થાય છે કારણ કે તે ખૂબ જ સારી છે.
હિસ્ટેરિયાની સારવારમાં પણ હિંગનો ઉપયોગ થાય છે.

હીંગ એ દુખાવા, પેટ ફૂલવું, કોલિક, અપચો, ઉબકા, છાતીમાં જકડાઈ જવા વગેરેની ફરિયાદો માટે સારો ઉપાય છે. ગૃધ્રસી, ઉલટી, આંચકી, તણાવ અથવા લકવો જેવા સંધિવા માં હીંગનું સેવન કરવાથી ઘણા ફાયદા થાય છે.
હિંગવાષ્ટક ચૂર્ણ પેટ ફૂલવા માટે પ્રખ્યાત છે.

કપૂર અને હિંગને સમાન માત્રામાં લઈ તેની મધમાં નાની ગોળી બનાવી લો.
ઉન્માદમાં આ ગોળી એક થી બે ગોળી લેવાથી શ્વાસનળીના રોગોમાં ખાસ કરીને પેટનો દુ:ખાવો, માસિકમાં ખેંચાણ, હૃદયરોગ વગેરે મટે છે.

પાચન દવાઓમાં હિંગ હોય છે.
ઉદાસીનતા વગેરે જેવા ઠંડા મગજના રોગોમાં હિંગ પીવાથી ફાયદો થાય છે. હિંગને ઓલિવ તેલમાં ભેળવીને કાનમાં નાખવાથી કાનના તમામ રોગો મટે છે.
હીંગને પાણીમાં પલાળીને પીવાથી અવાજ સાફ થાય છે.
અંજીર સાથે હીંગનો ઉપયોગ કરવાથી પણ કમળામાં આરામ મળે છે.

હિંગ, કાળા મરી, સુંગધી પાનવાળી એક વિલાયતી વનસ્પતિ, શરીર સુંગધી પાનવાળી એક વિલાયતી વનસ્પતિ, સાંચલ.
શાહીજીરુ, આદુ, કાળા મરી 15 ગ્રામ લઈ તેનો પાવડર પણ 10 ગ્રામ લઈ લો.
આ પાઉડરના સેવનથી પેટમાં દુખાવો દૂર થાય છે.
તે પેટ ફૂલવામાં આરામ આપે છે, તે અપચો અને ઉલ્ટીમાં પણ સારી અસર કરે છે.
કોલિક થવાથી ઘણો ફાયદો થતો જણાય છે.

હિંગ, પૅપ્રિકા, કાળા મરી, બોડી પાર્સલી, જીરું, જીરું અને ખડક મીઠું સરખા પ્રમાણમાં મેળવીને પાવડર બનાવો.
આ ચુર્ણ ઘી અને ચોખાનું ભોજન સમયે એકસાથે સેવન કરવાથી અપચો, મંદાગ્નિ, મોચ, પાંડુ, આંબો અને ગુલમ જેવા રોગોમાં ઘણી રાહત મળે છે.

દસ ગ્રામ શેકેલી હિંગ, પહાડી મૂળની શાક, ધાણા, ચિત્રક, કચુરો, કેરમ સીડ્સ, આદુ, કાળા મરી, કાળા મરી, તુલસી, જીરું, વાજ, સાજીખર, જાવાખર, સિંધલુણ, સાંચલ, મીઠું વગેરે લો. આ પાવડર લેતાં પહેલાં અથવા
ભોજન વચ્ચે ફાયદાકારક છે.

કોલેરા રોગચાળાના કિસ્સામાં, ફુદીનાના પાનના રસમાં કપૂર અને કેરીને સમાન માત્રામાં ભેળવીને પીવો.
આ મિશ્રણને ગોળીના રૂપમાં લેવાથી ફાયદો થાય છે.
15 ગ્રામ હિંગ, 20 ગ્રામ મધ, 10 ગ્રામ સિંધવ ઘીમાં મેળવીને પાણી સાથે પીવાથી કબજિયાત કે પાઈલ્સ હોય તો ફાયદો થાય છે.
હીંગની ગોળી આપવાથી કોઈપણ પ્રકારની ઉલ્ટી બંધ થાય છે.

જમતા પહેલા શેકેલી હીંગ અને આદુનો ટુકડો માખણ સાથે લો.
તેનાથી તમારી ભૂખ વધશે.
ભોજનમાં હીંગ ખાવી અથવા પાણીમાં ભેળવીને પીવી.
બંને તમારા શરીર માટે ફાયદાકારક છે.
હીંગનું પાણી શરીરમાં બ્લડ પ્રેશરને નિયંત્રિત કરે છે.

કૂતરાના કરડવા માટે હિંગ ફાયદાકારક છે.
હિંગ પીસીને પાણીમાં મેળવીને કૂતરા કરડવાની જગ્યા પર લગાવવાથી ફાયદો થાય છે.
હીંગને ગરમ પાણીમાં મિક્સ કરીને પાંસળી પર માલિશ કરો.
તેનાથી દુખાવામાં રાહત મળે છે.
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Powerful medicine of Ayurveda that expels gas in the body, 100% guarantee to eliminate gas, acidity and BP for life.

Powerful medicine of Ayurveda that expels gas in the body, 100% guarantee to eliminate gas, acidity and BP for life.

The hinge comes in two varieties. Fragrant and smelly. Fragrant hing is white anjudan gum and foul-smelling hing is black anjudan gum. Both species have a wide range of habitats. Odorous hing, which has a clear, transparent, bluish odour, becomes milk-like when immersed in water.

Light quality hing is green in color and smelly. Asafoetida grows in Afghanistan, Punjab etc. I cut the asafetida tree and extract the juice from there in the form of gum. That hing is the true hing. This hing is very fragrant. Keeping it in the mouth like a mustard grain causes a lot of burning and swelling.

This asafetida is used in medicine. We also use asafetida a lot in spices. Now we will know in detail about the use of hing and its benefits. Asafoetida stimulates heat, flatulence, worms, stomach and intestines. It is a good digestive. Stimulates the uterus and has great effect on the nerves. It dilutes the phlegm.

Hing is used to cure stomach worms, it is used in good digestion and gastrointestinal medicine. Kaj is used in cholera medicine because it is very good. Hinge is also used in the treatment of hysteria.

Asafoetida is a good remedy for complaints of pain, flatulence, colic, indigestion, nausea, chest tightness etc. Consumption of asafoetida in arthritis like sciatica, vomiting, convulsions, stress or paralysis has many benefits. Hingvashtak churna is famous for flatulence.

Take camphor and asafoetida in equal quantity and make a small tablet in its honey. This tablet is cured by taking one to two tablets in hysteria, especially in bronchial diseases especially abdominal pain, menstrual cramps, heart disease etc.

Digestive medicines contain Hing. Drinking asafetida is beneficial in cold mind diseases like apathy etc. Mixing asafetida with olive oil and putting it in the ear cures all ear diseases. Drinking asafetida soaked in water clears the voice. Using asafetida with figs also provides relief in jaundice.

Asafoetida, black pepper, parsley, body parsley, sanchal. Take 15 grams of shahijiru, ginger, black pepper and also make its powder by taking 10 grams. Consumption of this powder ends stomach cramps. It gives relief in flatulence, it also has a good effect in indigestion and vomiting. Having colic seems to be of great benefit.

Make a powder by taking equal quantity of asafoetida, paprika, black pepper, body parsley, cumin, cumin and rock salt. Consuming this powdered ghee and rice together at the time of meal provides great relief in diseases like indigestion, anorexia, moch, pandu, mango and gulm.

Take ten grams of roasted asafetida, mountain root herb, coriander, chitrak, kachuro, carom seeds, ginger, black pepper, black pepper, basil, cumin, Vaj, Sajikhar, Javakhar, Sindhlun, Sanchal, salt etc. Taking this powder before or between meals is beneficial.

In case of cholera epidemic, mix camphor and mango in equal quantity in the juice of mint leaves. Taking this mixture in the form of a pill is beneficial. Taking 15 grams asafetida, 20 grams honey, 10 grams sindhav in ghee and drinking it with water is beneficial in case of constipation or piles. Any kind of vomiting stops by giving Hing tablet.

Take a piece of roasted asafetida and ginger with butter before eating. This will increase your appetite. Eat asafetida in food or drink it mixed with water. Both are beneficial for your body. Asafoetida water controls blood pressure in the body.

Hinge is beneficial in dog bite. Taking Hing PC in water and applying it on the dog bite area is beneficial. Mix asafetida with warm water and massage it on the ribs. It gives relief from pain.
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An effective solution to open all the blocked veins in the body in just 3 days, bypass does not have to be done for life.

An effective solution to open all the blocked veins in the body in just 3 days, bypass does not have to be done for life.

Friends, in today's time many people are facing health related problems. All these diseases are caused by your diet and bad lifestyle. In such a situation, today we are going to tell you the solution to a problem that many people have become victims of.

This is a problem of vein blockage. When a person's vein gets blocked, there is a problem of swelling or tumor on the vein. Along with this, there is a danger of heart attack if the vein gets blocked many times. So let us know what remedy should be done if the vein gets blocked.

Ingredients: 1 g cinnamon, 10 g black pepper, 10 g bay leaves, 10 g ghee, 10 g sugar (whole), 10 g walnuts, 10 g linseed

How to do the remedy:- To do this remedy you should first grind all these things and make powder. After that one spoon should be consumed with water every morning. However, remember that you should not eat or drink anything before and after doing this remedy. Only then you will see its effect.

Let us tell you that if you cannot do the above remedy then you should do the remedy with turmeric. In fact, turmeric has anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties, due to which the thickened blood in your body becomes thinner and prevents the problem of vein blockage.

To do this remedy you have to mix turmeric and honey with warm milk and consume it. If you eat garlic cloves roasted with water, you will not have the problem of vein blockage. Apart from this, if you consume two pomegranates every day, it also thins the blood.

Along with this, people who face the problem of anemia should also eat pomegranate. If you include red capsicum chilies in your diet, it reduces the bad cholesterol in the body and increases the good cholesterol. Which gives relief from heart related diseases. It also helps unblock blocked veins.

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Monday 28 November 2022

If the hands, feet and private parts are itchy, the oil made from these two ingredients alone will eliminate the itch from the root.

If the hands, feet and private parts are itchy, the oil made from these two ingredients alone will eliminate the itch from the root.

At present, there is a lot of heat wave, in which a lot of heat is generated in the body, for this reason we drink various fruits and many drinks to avoid heat. Which gives the body heat.

In the scorching heat of summer, our body sweats a lot, which if not cleaned properly, some parts of the body get rashes due to which very terrible itching occurs. But the problem of itching should not be overlooked.

Itching is a common problem in summer which can often be caused due to some negligence on our part, like wearing sweaty clothes one by one, not cleaning the body properly while taking a bath, wearing each other's sweaty clothes etc. can be

There are many skin creams and medicines available in the market to get rid of it, but today we are going to tell you how to make an oil using a medicine that proves to be very helpful in removing the skin disease from the root. So today we will tell you how to make oil and how to use oil.

How to make anti-itch oil: For this you will need two things. First of all take some fresh bitter neem leaves and grind them with water and clean them, after that we have to take 200 grams of coprale oil, with the help of these two things we have to make oil.

Now first of all put 200 grams of coprale oil in a pan and mix fresh bitter neem leaves in that oil and let it boil on low flame for about 30 minutes then switch off the gas. Now the oil is ready. When the oil cools down, strain it using a strainer and fill it in a glass bottle.

We have to use this oil twice a day. This oil is to be applied on the affected area after taking bath in the morning and before sleeping at night with the help of Rs. Using this oil will relieve the problem like itching in a short time.

The bitter neem found in this oil has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties. Which helps in removing fungal infection. This oil is very beneficial in problems like itchiness, red spots on the skin caused by using this oil. Any itching in the body will be removed.

Using this oil is very effective in itching of the skin, itching of the private parts, itching of the hands, this oil will remove the skin disease from the root. You have some work to do with this.

Like taking a bath twice a day, putting neem leaves in the bucket while bathing is recommended both times, so that you will get rid of the skin disease very quickly. After bathing, the body is completely clean and then clothes are to be worn.

Keep in mind that clothes should not be worn wet. Also, if you have a skin disease, clothes and sleeping mats should be kept separate and dried in the sun every day. If there is a problem of skin disease then one should not wear each other's clothes.

Note: The information provided here Home Remedies, Beauty Tips, Health & Fitness Tips are based on general information, do not take it as professional medical advice. Please always consult your doctor if you have any questions or concerns. Do not do anything without expert advice

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Good News / Govt can give gifts to central employees, get 18 months arrears of DA

18 months of DA to government employees may soon be restored by the central government. The government can make a big announcement.

Government employees will get good news

The government will make a big announcement about DA for 18 months

The meeting time has been decided

If you are a government employee, you may get a big news soon. The government will soon pay 18 months dearness allowance DA and DR together with pensioners during the Corona epidemic. Government can announce this matter.

Finance Ministry is discussing

According to media reports, there is frequent communication between the Finance Ministry and the concerned departments. The Modi government may take a big decision on this subject soon. However, till now the government has not given any official announcement or information on this subject. It is likely that the government will take a step soon considering the demand of the employees.

Not taking a decision for so long

The government has increased the DA from July 2021 after stopping the DA due to Corona epidemic. The Modi government has not made any changes in the dearness allowance of central employees from 1 January 2020 to 30 June 2021 i.e. up to 18 months. The government has increased the increase in DA by 11% for the last 18 months.

The meeting time is fixed

The government is going to discuss the DA arrears of 18 months shortly. According to the report, the meeting time has been fixed with the Cabinet Secretary regarding the DA arrears. It is not yet decided whether the government will agree to the payment of the arrears or not. The government has rejected this issue earlier.

That much DA will get

Central government provides DA and dearness relief DR to government employees and public sector employees and pensioners. In which DA arrears of level-1 employees are Rs. 11,880 to Rs. 37,000 are between. So level-13 employees as DA arrears of Rs. 1,44,200 to Rs. 2,18,200 is likely to be available.

Source Vtv news

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Sunday 27 November 2022

Sankat Sakhi Application Free Download

Sankat Sakhi Application Free Download | Many schemes related to women are run by various departments in Gujarat government. A separate department has been created by the government for the up liftment of women. Named as Women and Child Development Department. Many schemes for development, empowerment, security and safety of women have been made by this department.

Sankat Sakhi Mobile App

Ganga Swarupa Remarriage Yojana, a widow assistance scheme for resettlement of women, is run by WCD Gujarat. In order to increase the number of women in the state, the Vali Dotti Yojana, Beti Bachao Beti Padhao has been implemented. In addition, schemes are also run for the safety and security of women, such as 181 Women Helpline, Police Station Base Support Center (PBSC), Sakhi One Stop Centre, Nari Kendra and Sankat Sakhi Mobile Application etc. Today we will get Sankat Sakhi Mobile Application information through this article.

Sankat Sakhi mobile application is developed by Department of Women and Child Development. This application is designed to help women. In today’s digital age it is very important to have all the help at finger tips. With that in mind, Sankat Sakhi Mobile Application has been created. Which can be downloaded for free from Google Play Store.

Purpose of creating this app

This app is designed to make women aware, aware of their officials and provide information and help related to safety and security to women at their fingertips.

What services can be availed from Sankat Sakhi app?

One can get a lot of information and help online through this app made for women. Information about women’s rights, safety tips, women’s policies and women-oriented schemes can be obtained from this application. Can get information and contact numbers about the nearest police station in difficult circumstances or situations. And they can also directly call 181 women helpline for help. Also, can get information on women’s help centers.

વિદ્યાસહાયક ભરતી ન્યૂઝ રિપોર્ટ જુઓ અહીંથી

Detailed information of schemes

Through the Sankat Sakhi mobile application, one can get detailed information like scheme information, help center information, FAQ’s and Safalya Gatha. Information about the following schemes can be obtained through the application.

  • Police Station Based Support Center (PBSC)
  • Sakhi One Stop Center (OSC)
  • Women’s Defense Home/ Centre
  • Swadhar Griha Yojana
  • Working Women Hostel Scheme
  • “Help” in Sankat Sakhi application

On the option named “Women’s rights”, information about the types of violence against women will be found. In which, by clicking on the type of part, as per the photo shown on the side, complete information related to that part will be seen.

Sankat Sakhi Application Free Download
Clicking on the option named “Nearest Police Station” will show the screen as shown in the adjacent photo. In which the location of all the police stations near that area will be seen.

After clicking on the option named “Help” on the screen of the mobile, click on the button named “ALLOW” and give permission to call. Women helpline numbers can be contacted as mentioned on the side giving permission.

By Clicking on the option named “Safety Tips”, information on what precautions women should take will be found.

Clicking on the option named “Women Oriented Policies” will show the policies made by the state for gender 

How To Download Sankat Sakhi App?

  • This application made for women can be easily downloaded in mobile. Let’s get information on how to download this application step by step.Go to Playstore.
  • Then type “Sankhat Sakhi” in its search box.
  • Now you will see the official “SankatSakhi” application of Government of Gujarat.
  • Finally, you have to click on “Install” button to download the Sankat Sakhi mobile application.
  • Sankat Sakhi Application Free Download

Sankat Sakhi Application Free Download Click Here
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Saturday 26 November 2022

This one remedy will provide relief from joint pain caused by uric acid, 100% never to be faced again in life.

This one remedy will provide relief from joint pain caused by uric acid, 100% never to be faced again in life.

Friends, generally when the uric acid level in our body increases with age, people face various problems. 

In which problems like rheumatism, joint pain, rheumatism etc. trouble a person for the rest of his life. 

In such a situation, in today's article we are going to tell you about some home remedies, which have the power to reduce elevated uric acid levels.

Increased uric acid levels can be reduced if you include walnuts in your diet. 

Let us tell you in this order that if you consume fiber rich food, the uric acid level starts to decrease due to which you can get relief from pain.

You can also reduce elevated uric acid levels by using baking soda. 

For this you should start consuming baking soda by adding it to water and consume 7 to 8 glasses of baking soda water during the day.

If you eat foods rich in vitamin C, it has the potential to lower uric acid levels and cause uric acid to pass through the toilet without causing pain. 

You can also try using uric acid.

You should also use lemon to control the increased uric acid levels in the body. 

Because lemons are rich in vitamin C. 

For this you have to squeeze a lemon in a glass of water and consume it.

Apart from this, a spoon full of linseeds and chewed after meals can also remove increased uric acid levels. 

You should include more fruits and vegetables in your meals. 

Along with this, eating outside should be avoided as far as possible.

Apart from this, try to avoid ghee and fried food to control the increased level of uric acid. 

Because it contains omega 3 fatty acids, which can control the rising level of uric acid.

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How to use 5G in Mobile? / How to use 5G In Mobile? /What to do to change 5G setting? full detail with step

How to use 5G in Mobile? / How to use 5G In Mobile? /What to do to change 5G setting? full detail with step

5G setting in Mobile: How to use 5G In Mobile: JIO has started 5G network in all cities of Gujarat. Airtel has launched 5G network service in 8 major cities of the country. These include Delhi, Mumbai, Varanasi, Bengaluru, Chennai, Hyderabad, Siliguri and Kolkata. Other companies are also ready to offer 5G services in the coming days. Some users are buying 5G phones to experience 5G and some users already have 5G supported devices. Redmi phone 5g setting,samsung phone 5g setting

Note that currently, even if you have a 5G phone, you cannot use this service. For this you have to do some settings in the phone. Airtel, Jio and Vodafone Idea (Vi) users have to follow a few steps to activate the 5G network on their phones.

5G setting in mobile

5G setting in Redmi phone, 5G setting in Samsung phone, 5G setting in Oppo phone, 5G setting in Vivo phone, 5G setting in OnePlus phone

First of all, check with your SIM operator whether there is a 5G network in your area or not. You can call the customer care number of Jio, Airtel or Vi to get the information.

If there is a 5G network in your area, check if you have a 5G support phone provided by Jio, Airtel or Vi.

Now go to the settings of your 5G smartphone and then click on the mobile network option.

You have to select the operator for which you want to set up 5G connectivity.

Click on either SIM 1 or SIM 2 and scroll down to get pewferred network type.

Now select the option from 5G/4G/3G/2G (Auto). So that your smartphone can automatically detect the 5G network running in your area and make it the default data connectivity option in your phone.

You may need to update the 5G software version in your phone. For that, go to the settings and check if there is any feature or update related to 5G.

Now restart your phone. If the 5G software version is available in your area, it will start working.

5G Recharge Plan

Airtel 5G Recharge Plan, jIO 5G Recharge Plan, VI 5G Recharge Plan

The price of the 5G plan is not disclosed

The speed of 5G will be 10 times faster than 4G, so it is assumed that it will require more bandwidth. Currently, the company has not announced the pricing of the 5G plan. Hopefully the price will also be introduced soon.

Recharge Plan Important Link

Airtel Recharge Plan Click Here

Jio Recharge Plan Click Here

BSNL Recharge Plan Click Here

VI Recharge Plan Click Here

Steps to use 5G in mobile

If you want to use 5G in your mobile. Then this article will be very useful for you. 5G network has been launched in some cities recently. If there is no information about its settings, today we will tell you that by changing the settings in the mobile, you will be able to use the 5G network. Airtel, Jio, Vi users follow these simple steps

After the 5G launch, if you also want to use the 5G service in the phone, then you have to follow some steps. Airtel, Jio and Vodafone Idea (Vi) users have to follow a few steps to enable 5G on their phones.

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Another epidemic crisis: Risk of Disease X after Corona, the eyes of 300 WHO scientists, let's know what this disease is

Another epidemic crisis: Risk of Disease X after Corona, the eyes of 300 WHO scientists, let's know what this disease is

Corona epidemic has completed 3 years. Millions of people have lost their lives in Corona. So in between, another disease is taking its toll. The World Health Organization has said that such types of bacteria, viruses and microorganisms are being diagnosed, due to which there may be a risk of serious illness or epidemic in the future. A team of around 300 scientists from around the world has been formed in this project.

Many pathogens included in the list

According to WHO, the list published since 2017 includes many dangerous pathogens. It also includes Corona virus, Ebola virus, Marburg virus, Lassa fever, Nipah virus, Zika virus and Disease X. Pathogens are organisms that cause many diseases. This can make any tree, plant, animal or microorganism sick.

Disease X can be monitored

The WHO team is going to keep a special eye on Disease X. Currently, this is a completely unknown disease. Scientists say that this disease will prove to be extremely dangerous for humans. So this disease can also take the form of an epidemic. Whatever virus or bacteria this disease is caused by, its infection will spread faster than Corona. That is why it is important to find it in time.

Research will help in the cure

After updating the list, WHO scientists will start searching for successful treatments for these diseases. By identifying the risk of bacteria and viruses ahead of time, tests and vaccines can be developed to avoid them. Pathogens that have the ability to rapidly spread infection will target their entire family.

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Special Scheme / You Can't Think: 39 Months FD is getting Mind-Blowing Interest, Benefit Only Benefit

Special Scheme / You Can't Think: 39 Months FD is getting Mind-Blowing Interest, Benefit Only Benefit

Bajaj Finance has increased the interest rate on Fixed Deposit (FD). Bajaj Finance has made this change due to the increase in the repo rate by the Reserve Bank.

Bajaj Finance hikes interest rates on FDs

Bajaj Finance launched a special FD scheme of 39 months

Interest rate hiked by 0.25 percent on 39-month FDs

Non-Banking Finance Company (NBFC) Bajaj Finance offers great interest rates on Fixed Deposits (FD). Bajaj Finance has launched a special 39-month FD scheme offering interest at 7.85 per cent to senior citizens. At the same time, common people will get interest at the rate of 7.60 percent on investing in this scheme. Senior citizens are getting the highest interest on 44 months fixed deposits. He is getting 7.95 percent interest on this scheme. Similarly, general public will get interest rate of 7.70 percent on this scheme.

Sachin Sikka, Executive Vice President, Fixed Deposits and Investments, Bajaj Finance, said, "Earlier we used to change the FD interest rate once every 6 months. This time we made a quick improvement. He said that the increase in the FD interest rate was due to the increase in the repo rate of the Reserve Bank. The interest rate on 39 month FD has been increased by 0.25 percent.

The company has a depositor base of Bajaj Finance's Fixed Deposit Scheme. In which the average ticket per depositor is 3.5 lakhs. The company has a base of over 10 lakh FDs and 4.25 lakh depositors. A company may also cross sell financial products to its customers.

The repo rate was hiked by 0.50 percent in June, taking the repo rate to 4.90 percent. In August, the RBI again hiked the repo rate by 0.50 percent to 5.40. In September, it increased once again by 0.50 percent and the repo rate stood at 5.90 percent. Overall, the repo rate has increased four times this year so far.

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Friday 25 November 2022

Vastu Tips / Doing this remedy in the south direction of the house brings prosperity, deva and freedom from poverty

Vastu Tips / Doing this remedy in the south direction of the house brings prosperity, deva and freedom from poverty

Vastu Shastra has a lot of importance in human life. Be it the house or the belongings kept in it, if kept in terms of Vastu, there will never be any disturbance. By which the blessing of Lakshmi is received and the blessing is preserved.

Do this remedy in the south direction of the house

You will get blessings of Lakshmi

Get rid of debts and quarrels

Arrange the house in Vastu terms

If there is no happiness, peace and blessings in the home, the hard work done by a person has no meaning. He tries a lot for peace and harmony in the house. Even doing puja-recitations, but the desired fruit is not obtained. It is necessary that the house is organized in terms of Vastu. Which brings happiness and prosperity in the house, but also freedom from debt, poverty and calamity. Vaastu Shastra has mentioned many remedies for south direction of house.


There is always conflict and conflict in the house. Due to which there is an atmosphere of unrest, then keep the broom towards the south direction. By doing this, the unrest in the house is removed and brings happiness. However, the broom should never be kept in the north-east direction.

The bed

In the bedroom of the house, the head of the bed should always be towards the south direction. Due to which, even after sleeping, sleep will be good and bad thoughts will never come in the mind. In Vastu Shastra, it is said that it is auspicious for a person to have his head in the south direction and his feet in the north direction while sleeping.


If the house is full of negative energy and due to this many kinds of problems are being faced, then put photos of phoenix bird in the south direction in the living room of the house i.e. sitting room. By doing this, negative energy is removed and positive energy is channeled.

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Thursday 24 November 2022


BSNL Jobs Vacancy and BSNL Recruitment Advertisement Details: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) career opportunity for ITI, Diploma and Graduates. Government Jobs seeker get Latest BSNL Recruitment Notifications free jobs alert in this page. The BSNL is a schedule 'A' Public Sector company under the administrative control of Government of India.

BSNL Recruitment: Overview

  • Name of the Organization : Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL)
  • Name of the Post : Apprentice
  • Number of Vacancies : 03
  • Starting Date of the Application : 17-11-2022
  • Last Date of the Application : 07-12-2022
  • Application Mode : Online
  • Job Location : Yavatrnal, Amravati, Akola – Maharashtra
  • Official Website portal. :

The Application Process has already started on 17-11-2022, Aspirants can Apply before the last date of the Application 07-12-2022. From this Article, candidates will get all the necessary information about this Recruitment Such as Eligibility Criteria, Vacancy Details, Salary, Selection Process, Application Process, and many more. all the Applicants are Requested to Read the Full Article For Detailed Information.

BSNL Recruitment: Eligibility criteria

Applicants Who Want to Apply for this Recruitment Should be Aware of the Vacancy Details of this Recruitment. From the below table, Candidates will know the All Vacancy Details.

Educational Qualification
  • Applicants should have completed a Degree from any of the recognized boards or universities.

Age Limit 
  • Age Limitation Depends on Companies Rules and Regulations.

  • Applicants will get Rs 1,23,100 – 2,15,900/- Salary Per Month.

Application Fees
  • No Application fees are Required For this Recruitment.

Selection Process
  • Applicants will be Selected on the basis of the Interview.

How to Apply ?
  • First, visit the official website @
  • And check for the BSNL Recruitment or Careers to which you are going to apply.
  • Open the Apprentice Jobs notification and check Eligibility.
  • Check the last date carefully before starting the application form.
  • If you are eligible, Fill out the application form without any mistakes.
  • Pay the application fee (If applicable) and submit the application form and capture the Application form number/acknowledgment number.

Important Link:
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Sev tomato veg. is too expensive? So be careful, otherwise you will have so many diseases at home!

Sev tomato veg. is too expensive? So be careful, otherwise you will have so many diseases at home!

Friends everyone finds the vegetable of sev tomato very tasty but as delicious as the vegetable of save tomato looks, it is also harmful to the body. So friends today in this article we will tell you what harm is done to our body by eating sev tomato vegetable.

Yes friends you may not believe that eating sev tomato vegetable can cause many diseases whenever tomato is heated it becomes acidic,

That is, if we eat tomato after heating it is like poison in our body because when tomato is heated, it becomes acidic and the amount of uric acid in our body increases.

As uric acid increases in our body, pain starts in the body parts, for example, back pain, back pain, etc.

Friends, some sisters have a habit of cutting tomato and putting it in vharam, but this should not be done. Tomato should not be added whenever dal is cooked. Eating does a lot of damage to the body.

So friends, if tomato is eaten hot, then the amount of uric acid in the body increases due to which problems related to pain arise in the body. So friends, take care of this matter and imitate this matter so that your body will be healthy and you must have heard the saying that if our body is healthy then our life is also healthy.

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Tuesday 22 November 2022

Useful for you / After downloading an app, if you see four such signs, uninstall it quickly, otherwise you may become a victim of fraud.

Useful for you / After downloading an app, if you see four such signs, uninstall it quickly, otherwise you may become a victim of fraud.

Today we are going to tell you how you can identify fake apps and avoid being scammed.

Many things can be done in seconds with the help of a smartphone

How do we know if an app is fake or not?

Do not install any apps on the smartphone without thinking

Nowadays we all must have seen that almost everyone has a smartphone in their hand and people use it as per their need. 

Whether it is online banking, playing games, taking online classes, sending money, etc., many things can be done with the help of a smartphone in a snap. 

Just for this mobile should have internet and app if we talk about apps, not one but many apps are available for almost everything but the question is how do we know if it is a fake app or not? 

Many times it happens that people install fake apps in their smartphones without thinking and then face many kinds of problems so today we are going to tell you how you can identify fake apps and avoid scams.


You have to pay special attention that after installing any app in your mobile, the battery of your mobile starts draining fast. 

Once you recognize that, you should uninstall that app immediately, because that app might contain a virus.

letter of the name

Pay special attention to the letters in the name of any app you are downloading or using. 

If it looks good to read its name but there is something wrong with the letters then never install such an app, because it can be a fake app that can empty your bank account in a blink of an eye.

Pay attention to permissions

When you have downloaded any app on the smartphone and at the time of installation the app asks you permission for bank account, mobile number etc. and when it has nothing to do with this app remove such app from your smartphone immediately. 

Otherwise you may become a victim of fraud.

Ratings and reviews

Whenever you download any app from play store always read its rating and review specially. 

About the ratings and reviews people tell about the app whether the app is genuine or if there is any problem with the app .Especially read the reviews of loan giving apps and banking apps as these are where you will find maximum fake apps that work to cheat. 

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Useful for you / What happens to your money if the bank with which you have an account closes? Know how much and how to get money back

Useful for you / What happens to your money if the bank with which you have an account closes? Know how much and how to get money back

Have you ever wondered what happens to your bank deposits if your bank ever collapses or closes down for some reason? 

Know detailed information

What happens to the money deposited in a bank if it ever fails or closes?

In such a situation, an amount of 5 lakhs or below is considered safe in the bank

Nowadays everyone has a bank account and it has become a necessity, more and more people have their salary in the bank account and apart from this many people also save their money in the bank. 

Many people keep their savings in banks. 

Apart from this, banks not only provide money keeping but also many other facilities. 

Many schemes offer good returns on investment, but have you ever thought that what happens to your money if your bank collapses or closes for some reason? 

Today we are going to tell you about it.

What is the rule?

If you have an account in a bank and have deposited 5 lakh rupees in that account and suddenly the bank goes bankrupt, what will happen to your money? 

Let us tell you that according to the rules, 5 lakh rupees is available in such a situation, that is, an amount of 5 lakh or below is considered safe in the bank.

Now after reading this you must have thought that if you have more than 5 lakhs deposited in the bank, will you have to suffer loss? 

At that time, it is necessary to understand that the government is also taking steps to ensure that people's hard earned income does not deteriorate. 

In such a situation, the government takes such a step that when any bank is going to fail, with the help of RBI, the government merges that bank with another big bank and by doing this, people are saved from sinking money.

Apart from this, when a bank is about to fail, DICGC Bank assumes the responsibility of paying the money of the account holders and collects the premium from the bank.

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Monday 21 November 2022

IOCL Apprentice post Recruitment for 465 Vacancies 2022 Announced

IOCL Apprentice post Recruitment for 465 Vacancies 2022 Announced | IOCL Announced Apprentice Recruitment 2022 for 465 Vacancies.
IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022 Announced: Recently IOCL released a big recruitment for 465 vacancies, all information related to this recruitment including age limit, educational qualification, application date, fee details, pay scale etc. Readers are requested to read the entire article if it is being provided through the article, you are reading this article through .

General Information of IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022:

  • Official Department :  IOCL Apprentice Recruitment 2022
  • Name of the post : Post for training
  • Total vacancy : As much as 465
  • Application Commencement Date : 10.11.2022
  • Last date to apply : 30-11-2022
  • Official website :

Age limit

  • Minimum 18 years
  • Maximum 24 years

Important Dates for Online Apply:

  • Online Application Start : 10/11/2022
  • Last Date of Online Application: 30/11/2022

Selection Process for Recruitment:

  • written examination
  • Document verification
  • Medical fitness

Online Application Process for Recruitment:

1. Visit the official website
2. Select the section in which the form is to be filled
3. Fill the online form
4. Upload the required documents
5. Submit the application
6. Don't forget to take a print..

Important link:

ઓફિશિયલ જાહેરાત માટે : અહીં ક્લિક કરો

ઓનલાઈન અરજી માટે : અહીં ક્લિક કરો

Read the official advertisement given above for necessary information regarding recruitment age limit, educational qualification, application date etc.

Note :- Before applying for all types of recruitment or advertisement, check the official advertisement given on the official website and apply only after confirmation.
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ONGC Recruitment 2022 for 64 Apprentice Posts || Apply Online Click Here

ONGC Recruitment 2022 for 64 Apprentice Posts || Apply Online Click Here

ONGC Recruitment 2022 Apply Online for 64 Apprentice Posts | Oil and Natural gas has invite and published recruitment official notification PDF for Various Apprentice Posts. Interested and Eligible candidates May application online through given link in below Read full article on our site First of all kindly check eligibility criteria, Education qualification, Selection Process, Processing Fees, Job Posting, Last Date to Application for this Recruitment, Application Process and other details.

ONGC Recruitment 2022 Apply Online for 64 Apprentice Posts

Total Posts
  • 64 Posts

Name of the Positions 

  • Office Assistant : 14 Posts
  • Electrician : 09 Posts
  • Accountant : 07 Posts
  • Fitter : 07 Posts
  • Computer Operator and Programming : 05 Posts
  • Secretarial Assistant : 05 Posts
  • Machinist : 03 Posts
  • Instrument Mechanic : 03 Posts
  • Welder : 03 Posts
  • Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Mechanic : 02 Posts
  • Plumber : 02 Posts
  • Laboratory Assistant (Chemical Plant) : 02 Posts
  • Wireman : 02 Posts

Eligibility criteria for ONGC Recruitment 2022

Education Qualification 

  • Education Qualification in Various ITI Fields.
  • Go to ONGC recruitment 2022 official notification for Separate posts wise Qualification details.

Selection Process

  • Determinations for commitment of Understudies would be founded based on marks got in the passing assessment and Legitimacy drawn.
  • Job Posting Maharashtra, India

Age Criteria as on 05.12.2022
  • Min. Age : 18 Years
  • Max. Age : 24 Years

Salary / Remuneration 

  • For Graduate Apprentice : Rs. 9,000/-
  • For Trade Apprentice : Rs. 7,700 to 8,050/-
  • For Diploma Apprentice : Rs. 8,000/-

Important Dates 

  • Online Application Starting Date : 23.11.2022
  • Online application last date : 05.12.2022

How to Apply for ONGC job? 

  • Candidates may fill application form online and submit on ONGC website through given link in below.

Important Links 

Download - ONGC Recruitment 2022 Official Notification PDF Download 

ONGC Official Website : Click Here
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Sunday 20 November 2022

Technology / Are you also bothered by slow internet? So follow these tips in your mobile today, the speed will double

Technology / Are you also bothered by slow internet? So follow these tips in your mobile today, the speed will double

Do you also feel that the internet speed on your smartphone is slow? So this news is for you.

Slow internet speed on your smartphone?

Know how to increase internet speed in phone

Reset smartphone settings to increase internet speed

Slow internet is one of the most frustrating situations. Due to this, the work of any user stops at first. On the other hand one also feels cheated because one has spent a significant amount of money for that high-speed data. Do you also feel that the internet speed on your smartphone is slow? So this news is for you.

Let me tell you that this is not as big a problem as it seems. You can fix the problem of slow internet very easily. However, for this you have to keep some things in mind. Smartphone users are always looking for tips to increase their internet speed and also wonder why to switch to Wi-Fi which also provides fast internet and good internet connectivity but before taking such a big step you need to have some features in the phone. Things should be taken care of. Today we are going to tell you some important things related to slow internet.

Why is your phone slow?

At such times, it also seems that our smartphone or laptop is working slowly, but the reason behind this is not the internet somewhere. There are many reasons for slow speed, for example you have opened many apps, which are running in the background and this also affects the speed of the phone. Another reason could be a bad connection. If you live in an area where the number of cell towers is less but the users are more, then you get weak connection at that time. Apart from this, your phone settings can also cause your slow internet. Many times it happens that the settings in the smartphone get messed up and due to this the internet speed is affected. However, you can increase the internet speed by making some changes in the phone settings.

How to increase the Internet speed in the phone

There are a few things to keep in mind to increase the internet speed in the phone. First of all you should try to clear the cache of the phone because whenever the cache memory is full the phone slows down. That's why smartphone users should keep clearing the cache every few days and by adopting this trick you can increase the internet speed of your mobile. Apart from this, if you have more than necessary apps open then you should close all those apps. Let us tell you that since these apps work in the background, they keep using the internet and due to this the speed of the internet becomes slow.

Reset the settings

You can also increase internet speed by resetting smartphone settings to increase internet speed. For this you will get network option in mobile network in phone settings. There you have to set up the network manually by turning off the automatic setting. Apart from this you have to select the best option in the preferred network in the mobile data/network option.

Turn off auto updates

If auto-update is turned on in the phone, it should be turned off by going to settings, because the apps are on auto-update, users don't know and the internet speed is low.

Restart the phone

Apart from all this you can also restart the smartphone. After the phone is refreshed, it might start getting good speed. If even after these settings there is no network or good connectivity then you can take another step further assuming that the telecom operator is not providing good service in your area.

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Friday 18 November 2022

Useful for you / These schemes are giving women an excellent earning opportunity! You will get a solid return

Useful for you / These schemes are giving women an excellent earning opportunity! You will get a solid return

Today we are going to tell you some investment related information in which women can also get good profit by investing.

  • The first choice of women in investing used to be gold and fixed deposits
  • The choice of women in investing is changing
  • Nowadays women also prefer to invest in mutual funds

Now a days people are investing in different places and it is very good if you invest for your future. Investing provides a large fund to meet many future needs. Stock market, real estate and mutual funds are usually the first choice of investments for men. Similarly the first choice of women remains in gold and fixed deposits but nowadays the choice of women is also changing. Today we are going to tell you some investment related information in which women can also get good profit by investing.

Let it be said that nowadays the choice of women in investing is changing and they prefer to invest in mutual funds in addition to gold and fixed deposits. Women who know about mutual funds are investing in them for good profits. We are going to tell you about which mutual funds women invest the most.

Debt Mutual Fund

There is risk in any investment. Some more, some less, but if you are not ready to take any risk and can invest for a long time, then this debt mutual fund option is best for you. Although the first option for such investment is fixed deposit but if you want to get better returns than that then you can invest in debt mutual fund.

Hybrid Mutual Fund

A hybrid mutual fund is a type of mutual fund and has multiple asset classes within a mutual fund. Let us tell you that this can prove to be a profitable deal for you.

Equity Mutual Fund

Equity mutual funds invest in company stocks and are also called growth funds. Investing in equity mutual funds is very easy and also offers good returns with low risk.

Investing in gold is also good

We all know that investing in gold is the first choice of women. But now the young generation also prefers to invest in gold. Today's women who are earning and want to invest are also looking for low risk and good return options. Investing in digital gold through online means is also a safe option at this time.

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